Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mid-Week Motivation / Letting Go of Perfection...A Constant Struggle

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Hey y'all. Happy Thursday! Just one more day until the weekend. Woo-Hoo!!!

If you follow my "main" blog you probably saw this on Monday. I thought it would be a good fit for this blog's "Mid-Week Motivation" as well. I don't know about you, but I often feel the need to be "perfect" or if not "perfect" than at least as close to it as possible. I know this is not a realistic goal and yet that still seems to be the underlying motivator in just about everything I do. Stronger, Harder, Faster is not just an Olympic idea. Once I decide to do something I'm all in. The frustrating part is when I'm not able to do things to high caliber I set for myself. This blog for example. I started it with the goal of a few entries a week. For the most part I've managed to stick with it, but there have been a couple of "missed" posts. This is very frustrating to me and drives me nutz! Even though I realize, rationally, that working a full-time job, having not one but two home-based independent business on top of that (daily work) and having 5 blogs (yes 5) that I contribute to, one that's 5-7 times/week and the others as often as possible, is a lot for anyone. It still frustrates me when I'm unable to get everything done, to the standard that I wish it done to. Lets not even think about just Me-Time.

Sometimes I need to just stop and remind myself that I don't need to be perfect. If I don't run for 2 hrs/day I'm not going to suddenly be fat and unattractive. If a blog post doesn't get written, I'm going to lose whatever followers I might have. Truth be told the blogs are for me. They're a creative outlet and a stress reliever. It's a good thing that's how I choose to look at them because if you've ever had a blog you know that even a quick, simple post will easily take you 30-60 minutes. A friend of mine had a picture on their FB page a few months back and the beauty of the image struck me. What struck me the most was how beautiful it was for the simple fact that it was not "perfect". It was in fact a mutation, an imperfect specimen. I knew then that I wanted to do something with a similar type image. Here's what I came up with-

I created this with My Digital Studio and simply added the photo. I think I'm going to have it printed and hang it where I can see it often to remind myself of this simple fact.

That's all I have for you today. I hope it speaks to you like it does to me. If nothing else I hope you enjoy the  simple beauty of it.

Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy day to stop by my little corner of the world. You are very appreciated! I hope you'll come back soon. Till next time-

Remember- Life is often more about the storms than the peace they seek to overwhelm. It's not about Waiting for the storms to pass, but Learning to Dance in the rain.

Be Safe,
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